How To List On BodaSwap?
What is required to List a Token on BodaSwap?
If you have a token that you would like to list on BodaSwap, we invite you to submit an application via the application form. You can find a link to the application form on the BodaSwap page or Click Here To Fill Out The Application Form To List On BodaSwap. Alternatively, you can reach out to
Your token project must have a least 1 Smart Contract Audit.
Currently, we can only accept applications from tokens listed on the Binance Chain Network (BEP20).
Once your application has been submitted, you will be contacted by our Listings Manager. From there, an interview will be organised to talk more about your token project.
If the decision is made to list your token on BodaSwap you will be required to provide proof of identity to be kept on file, where in the event that you or your project team scam investors your identity will be revealed to the public. This is to ensure that fellow Boda Token Community members and fellow investors are kept as safe as possible.
When your token is listed on BodaSwap, you will become part of the Boda Family!
We will assist you with our network of partnerships, marketing teams, exchange managers, and friends we have made during our time in the crypto space to help your token grow.
Last updated