Last updated
Last updated
Verified Contract on BSCSCAN -
Name - Boda
Decimals - 18
Symbol - BODAV2
Chain - Binance Chain (BEP20)
Launch Supply - 1,000,000,000,000,000 (1 Quadrillion) Current Circulating Supply - 559,477,016,922,596 Current Burned Supply - 440,522,983,077,403 (Updated 20/09/2024) View live data on
Buy Transaction Fee Distribution - 6% to $USDT Rewards 2% Auto Burn 2.5% Manual Burn 1.5% Marketing & Development Total = 12% Buy Fee
Sell Transaction Fee Distribution - 13% to $USDT Rewards 2% Auto Burn 3.5% Manual Burn 1.5% Marketing and Development Total = 20% Sell Fee
Transfer fee from private wallet to wallet = 20% transfer fee.
$USDT collected from buy and sell fees are automatically sent to the USDT Dividend Tracker Pool - $USDT is automatically paid out to holders using a transaction cycle. For every buy or sell order, there can be up to 22 dividend payments transacted in one single transaction hash.
$USDT Contract Address - 0x55d398326f99059fF775485246999027B3197955 Holders can manually claim their $USDT using the Dashboard App at if they wish to claim early. Holders can also view their queue position on the dashboard app, which provides a position to assist in estimating when the next payout may be received automatically. Only holders can claim their own $USDT manually. The developer wallet cannot access the Rewards Pool. This allows for the Rewards pool to be much more secure and automated.